Crear una lista de existencias

Users with Admin permissions can create stocklists. This document shows how you can create a stocklist and add items to a stocklist one by one. If you are creating a stocklist with a lot of items, you can also import items to a stocklist. To learn about importing stocklist items, please see this document.  

Crear una lista de existencias

To create a new stock list, go to the stock lists menu on the dashboard, and click “create stock list."

Aparecerá una página en la que podrá introducir la información básica sobre la lista de existencias. Rellene los campos de acuerdo con las instrucciones siguientes.

  • Name: The name of the stock list should be a short description of what it is - for example, "Peds ward monthly consumables".
  • Origin: This should be the depot that you will be sending the items from. It defaults to the depot that you are in, but can be changed.
  • Destination: This should be the location that you are sending the items to.
  • Managed by: From the dropdown, select the user who will be responsible to manage this stocklist and keep it up to date. 
  • Replenishment period (days): Enter the number of days between replenishment. For example, 15 days means a biweekly replenishment cycle, 30 days means a monthly cycle, and so on.
  • Replenishment type: Select either PUSH or PULL. Push and Pull are inventory replenishment systems. 
    • PUSH: Push type involves creations or ordering inventory stock based on predictions of customer demand and ordering. Selecting Push will allow users to enter max quantity for each item manually in OpenBoxes. 
    • PULL: Pull type uses the demand data to drive replenishment and is a more automatic process. In OpenBoxes, selecting pull will autofill quantities for each item in the stocklist by looking at the Quantity on Hand (QoH) at the destination and demand of the products. So, the max quantity will be Demand of the product - QoH. Please note that the max quantities for items in your stocklist may be '1' because there is no demand data for the products yet. This will change in 2-3 months as demand data becomes more available. 
  • Users can also choose to start a stocklist as a PUSH type where they can manually enter quantities for their items. Then, after a couple of months, change the replenishment type to PULL where demand data is available and OpenBoxes will autofill the max quantities for items automatically. 
  • Sort by: You can choose to sort the items in the stocklist by date added, category, or sort index. 
  • Description (Optional): This can be used for any additional details about the stock list. This is an optional field so you can also leave it blank. 

Once you have filled in all of the header fields, press "Save". 

Add Items to the Stocklist

Once you press "Save" on the Stocklist information, you will be directed to the next page. Notice that the stocklist is still a Draft and has not been published yet.  On this page, you can add items to the stocklist. 

1. Click on Add as marked below OR on the top-left hand side, click on the carrot > select Edit Stock List Items

For Push Replenishment type, you will see columns for Code, Product, Category, Max quantity, Unit of Measure, Monthly quantity, Unit cost, and Total cost.
For Pull Replenishment type, you will only see columns for Code, Product, Category, Unit of Measure, and Unit Cost. 

2. To add an item, enter the product code into the search box. Click the correct entry when it comes up. Enter the UoM. If the stocklist is Push type, also enter the Max quantity. Click "Add". Do not forget to click Add. Clicking Save will not save your item. 

3. Once you have added the required items to the stocklist, click Save

4. After you have added the required items, you can make the stocklist active by clicking on the " Publish" button. 

Congratulations! Now, users will be able to use the stocklist to create requisitions.

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